15 Pokémon No One Expected Ash To Catch

For the first couple of seasons of the Pokémon anime, it seemed as though Ash would always catch the same group of Pokémon in any one region. He would always catch the three starter Pokémon, always catch the regional bird, and round off his team with a Bug-type for good measure. Thankfully, this trend ended before it could become a problem and resulted in some surprise catches on Ash’s part.

Ash has in fact caught every starter Pokémon in Kanto, Johto, and Unova, as well as catching every regional bird except for Toucannon in Alola. But there have been several of Ash’s team members that no one expected he would ever catch, even in the episode in which he catches that Pokémon.

Updated on September 14, 2022 by Daniel Kurland: The enthusiasm that surrounds Pokémon as a whole has only grown more intense over time as the franchise invades and dominates new media. The Pokémon anime alone has produced more than 1000 episodes and two-dozen feature films over the span of 25 years. Ash’s position as Pokémon’s hero remains the constant through the franchise, which has helped him capture some impressive Pokémon along the way. Ash is quite selective when it comes to the Pokémon that he captures and he hasn’t even acquired 100 unique creatures. However, some of the Pokémon in Ash’s party are truly surprising selections.

15 Lucario Is A Natural Fighter Who’s Fostered A Bond With Ash Since He Was Just an Egg

Lucario has emerged as a standout Pokémon ever since its debut in Generation IV’s Sinnoh region. The powerful Steel/Fighting-type Pokémon has even become a popular addition to fighting games like Super Smash Bros. and Pokkén Tournament. Curiously, Ash’s first encounter with his Lucario goes all the way back to when it was still just a Pokémon Egg.

This Egg reacts to Ash’s aura and the troubled Riolu that hatches from it learns to trust Ash. This renegade Pokémon exhibits serious trust issues, so it’s a testament to Ash’s character that Riolu allows him to capture it and goes on to later evolve into Lucario.

Melmetal is a true juggernaut of a Pokémon that doesn’t seem like the type of creature that Ash would turn to for his Pokémon party. Melmetal matures into one of Ash’s strongest Pokémon, but the journey between the two of them begins in a highly unusual manner.

Starting off as an innocent Meltan, the Steel-type Alolan Pokémon forges an unlikely affinity with Ash’s Rowlett, which causes it to sneak along with the Pokémon trainer. Ash eventually notices the Meltan and the sense of community that it feels with the rest of his Pokémon, so he adds it to his party.

13 Incineroar Is A Fiery Juggernaut Who Always Has Ash’s Back

Incineroar is one of the more reliable Pokémon in Ash’s party, but the impressive bond that’s shared between Pokémon and Trainer is only because these two have experienced so much together. Ash first meets Incineroar when it’s just a wild Litten.

Litten’s hunger pushes it to try to repeatedly trick Ash and company out of food, which primes Ash to catch the scamp. Ash instills proper structure in Litten, which in turn helps it evolve into Torracat and finally Incineroar during a suspenseful showdown with another of the Fire/ Dark-type Pokémon.

12 Ash’s Dusk Lycanroc Overcomes Tremendous Adversity And Learns To Love Its Trainer

Pokémon has explored increasingly creative means of evolution throughout the series, which can result in some of the franchise’s most coveted creatures. Lycanroc is a ferocious Alolan Pokémon that can take on a Dusk, Midday, or Midnight Form based on the time at which it evolves.

Ash’s Rockruff evolves into Dusk Lycanroc after a traumatic altercation with Tapu Lele. However, Ash’s connection with the Pokémon goes back to its early days as a wild Rockruff. Professor Kukui and Ash grow concerned over the Rockruff’s injuries and learn that it’s prone to attacks. Ash helps the Pokémon refine its skills and goes on to capture it as a member of his team.

11 Gliscor Is A Ferocious Flying Pokémon With A Sensitive Soul

Ash’s Gliscor is arguably one of the young Trainer’s most emotional Pokémon, and it’s had to overcome some challenging hardships over time. Like some of Ash’s most poignant Pokémon acquisitions, Ash first captures Gligar after he helps the Pokémon find some peace in the harsh Sinnoh region wild alongside its herd.

Gligar struggles to initially thrive under Ash’s care due to its intense fear of battling. Not only does Ash help build confidence in Gligar, but the Pokémon evolves into Gliscor after surpassing its limits to help save Ash’s life.

10 Noctowl Was Shiny & Tiny Pokémon Capture

It isn’t really surprising that Ash happens to catch the regional bird of Johto. However, what makes this Pokémon acquisition so surprising is that he didn’t capture it while it was still a Hoothoot. This Pokémon’s presence on Ash’s team is made even more surprising by the fact that it’s a shiny, a trait not often seen in the Pokémon anime.

Ash’s shiny Noctowl is also significantly smaller than the standard breed. A typical Noctowl would be close to Ash’s height, but this variety is substantially smaller, which creates some cute character dynamics for the team. As of now, Ash has yet to catch a Pokémon as rare as his shiny Noctowl, but he still has a lot of adventures on the horizon.

9 Poipole Is An Ultra Beast That Sticks Around For A While

During the Alola season of the Pokémon anime, Ash catches a handful of Ultra Beasts while he attempts to return them to Ultra Space. Ash’s chivalry here is par for the course, but what comes as a greater surprise is that he ends up keeping one of these Ultra Beasts on his team by the end of the excursion.

Ash acquires Poipole, who becomes one of Ash’s best Pokémon before it ultimately winds up back in its homeworld. Ash and Poipole accomplish a lot together and the two are later reunited during an opportune moment where Ash is in dire need of a sixth Pokémon for his exhibition match against Kukui. It’s such a formative battle for Poipole that it goes on to evolve into Naganadel.

8 Gible Is A Powerful Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon

Ash has caught some left-field Pokémon before he reaches Sinnoh, such as his Krabby and Snorlax, but Gible is an entirely different class. Ash never evolves Gible, but the fact that he has a pseudo-legendary Pokémon in his party for any extended period of time at all is a huge step forward in terms of his development as a Pokémon Trainer. Admittedly, Gible is often played for comic relief, but fans of the games know how much damage it can cause.

Gible spends most of its time on Ash’s team and is content to latch onto Ash’s fellow Pokémon with its gigantic mouth. Gible gets a proper chance to shine during Ash’s participation in the Sinnoh Pokémon League. There, Gible proves just how powerful it can be through its newly mastered Draco Meteor attack. Ash uses Gible to secure the win against Conway’s Shuckle and Dusknoir.

7 Roggenrola Is Unlike Ash’s Usual Quick & Frail Pokémon

The Unova region operates as something of a reboot for Pokémon. There are many old tropes that return to the story, such as Ash’s incompetence in battle and how the new area becomes the perfect environment for him to catch more Pokémon than ever before. This means that much of Ash’s team doesn’t experience the same character growth as past party members, but there are still a few notable exceptions.

Unova becomes an important area for Ash because it’s where he catches his Roggenrola. Roggenrola is a significant step up from his standard battle partners and it pushes Ash to develop new strategies since Roggenrola is markedly different than a Pokémon like Pikachu.

6 Snorunt Is One Of Ash’s Few Ice-Type Pokémon

Lapras, who Ash briefly traveled with during his time on the Orange Islands, used to be the only Ice-type Pokémon that Ash had in his party. All of this changes after Ash arrives in the Hoenn region and he encounters a wild Snorunt. Ash experiences some bad luck with plenty of Pokémon, and Snorunt is no different. This pesky Pokémon attempts to make off with Ash’s signature hat and Gym Badge case.

These intense origins lead to Snorunt being one of the Pokémon that Ash rarely relies upon in battle. However, Ash begins to recognize the value in this creature after its mastery of the Ice Beam technique culminates in it evolving into a Glalie. Ash doesn’t hesitate to spam Glalie’s strength and cruise with the fighter in both Hoenn and Sinnoh’s respective Pokémon Leagues.

5 Tauros Is Caught In An Episode That Was Never Released In English

Ash’s party would have been surprised if he left the Safari Zone tourist attraction with just one of the speedy Pokémon, Tauros. However, Ash makes off with a whole herd of this Normal-Type Pokémon, albeit with many of these captures not being intentional on his part. The pack of Tauros that Ash catches is a playful running joke in the episode, but any of these Pokémon in Ash’s party confused North American audiences.

The original Pokémon anime episode where Ash catches Tauros, «The Legend of Dratini,» wasn’t initially aired outside of Japan due to questionable subject matter. This caused a good deal of confusion in the anime’s English-speaking fans when Ash’s Tauros seemingly shows up out of nowhere in «Showdown at the Poké Corral.»

4 Dragonite Joins Ash As An Affectionate Member Of The Team

Ash achieves serious success at the Alola League, which actually prompts an unexpected identity crisis in the Pokémon Trainer as he considers his future. So much of Ash’s earliest adventures are defined by his journey to win the Pokémon League, which he eventually accomplishes. Ash begins to work for Professor Cerise to locate the mythical Dragonite Island, which leads to a chance encounter with a struggling Dragonair.

Ash forms an affinity with this Dragonair, who lacks flight and vital Dragon-Type attacks. Ash’s time with the Pokémon, as well as his efforts to save it from Team Rocket’s wicked ways, result in its passionate evolution into Dragonite. Ash leaves the island with a newly confident sense of self, but also an extremely affectionate, and powerful, Pokémon.

3 Ash’s Galarian Farfetch’d Serves As A Sparring Partner For Riolu

The new Pokémon Journeys anime series teased through copious promotions that a Riolu would be joining Ash’s party. Audiences were expecting this capture, but Pokémon Journeys throws a curve ball at its crowd when Ash also obtains a new spin on an old favorite. A lot of fans have appreciated Pokémon‘s decision to feature regional variants on old creatures. Ash comes in contact with Kanto’s Farfetch’d, but never manages to capture one. The same isn’t true with the Galarian Farfetch’d variant, who becomes one of Ash’s first Pokémon in the new series.

Ash’s Galarian Farfetch’d has an ornery personality that isn’t for everyone, but those that he trusts become life-long friends. A particularly cute dynamic forms between Ash’s Farfetch’d and Riolu, who become sparring partners and help each other grow stronger.

2 Dracovish Is Ash’s First Galarian Pokémon That Isn’t A Regional Form

Ash has somewhat slowed down in his Pokémon catching efforts, but one of his most recent acquisitions is also one of his most surprising and powerful party members. Ash experiences many new heights in the Galar region that help him improve as a Pokémon Trainer. Dracovish, an ancient Fossil Pokémon who debuts in Generation VIII’s Pokémon Sword & Shield, packs more power than Ash can handle.

Dracovish still has to prove itself in battle in comparison to the dozens of other Pokémon that have been fighting alongside Ash for years. Plenty of fans have legitimately struggled to capture Dracovish in Sword & Shield, which makes it particularly shocking that Ash casually captures this Galarian heavy-hitter.

1 Ash Catches Muk After He Deals With A Group Of Grimers

Muk is a classic Pokémon that harkens all the way back to the Kanto region’s original 151 Pokémon. Muk isn’t a Legendary or Mythical creature, and it’s not a Pokémon that causes much of a stir in the video games. However, Ash’s Muk is a more unique situation and the grimy Pokémon forms a codependent attachment with its trainer.

Ash has no interest in catching a Muk and this act happens purely by chance. His priority at the moment is to clear out an unruly pack of Grimer. But his efforts to ward off their leader, Muk, confine the creature to Ash’s Pokéball. Ash first shows signs of embarrassment over his Muk, especially since it loves to glom onto him and occasionally swallow him whole. However, it has also turned into a valuable battle asset in Kanto and Johto.