¿Está Those About to Die basada en hechos reales?

Uncover the truth behind the series ‘Those About to Die’ set in Ancient Rome, available on the streaming platform Prime Video.

The series, ‘Those About to Die’, directed by Roland Emmerich and Marco Kreuzpaintner, has made quite a splash among history buffs and period drama enthusiasts. Based on Daniel P. Mannix’s book of the same name, the plot immerses viewers in Ancient Rome, a time of political schemes, bloody battles, and the height of the empire. But does this series depict true historical events? The show can be found on Prime Video with this link.

Warning: SPOILERS ahead. In ‘Those About to Die’, power struggles within the Flavian family serve as the main focus. The emperor, Titus Flavius Vespasianus (played by Anthony Hopkins), and his two sons, Titus Flavius Vespasianus (Tom Hughes) and Titus Flavius Domitianus (Jojo Macari) are central characters. The storyline carries the audience through Emperor Titus Flavius’ death and his first son’s assumption of the throne. The plot adds a dramatic twist when Domitian plans to murder his brother and seize control, all under the guise of natural causes.

What does history tell us?

In historical records, Titus Flavius Vespasianus was indeed a significant figure in Roman history. When he died in 79 AD, his eldest son, Titus, took over. However, unlike in ‘Those About to Die’, Titus and his brother, Domitian, shared a close relationship, albeit with political tensions simmering beneath.

Although Titus died just two years after ascending the throne, leading to Domitian’s succession, there is no evidence that Domitian plotted his death. Historians believe Titus probably died of natural causes, possibly fever or infection, rather than sinister sibling rivalry. But we might never know for sure.

The eruption of Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii.

One of the series’ most breathtaking depictions is the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, which completely wiped out the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. This event is historically accurate. During Titus’ brief reign, one of the era’s most catastrophic natural disasters occurred. The series displays not only the eruption itself but also its reverberations throughout Rome and the Empire.

Even though Rome was not directly affected by Vesuvius’s eruption, Titus Flavius played a crucial role in aiding and rebuilding for the victims. ‘Those About to Die’ dramatizes this historical event while still anchoring it in reality.

The construction of the Colosseum.

Another key event in ‘Those About to Die’ is the building of the Roman Colosseum. This grand amphitheater was, in fact, an initiative started by Titus’ father, Emperor Vespasian, and finished during Titus’ reign. The inaugural celebrations of the Colosseum, or Flavian Amphitheater, featured gladiatorial contests and naval battles, as shown in the series.

‘Those About to Die’ vividly captures this remarkable time in Roman history, showing the structure’s grandeur and the opening festivities’ excitement. The series does add some dramatic embellishments, such as the tension between the brothers and Domitian’s conspiracy, which lack historical evidence.

How much of the series is based on fact?

While ‘Those About to Die’ uses historical personalities and events as a framework, it also invents narrative elements for dramatic effect. The strife between Titus and Domitian, though compelling, seems more the product of the scriptwriters’ imaginations than verified history.

Nonetheless, the show broadens our understanding of life in ancient Rome, from the magnificence of the Colosseum to the perils of its dark alleys to the complex power games within the imperial family.

If you enjoy series blending fact and fiction, ‘Those About to Die’ is a wonderful choice. But do be prepared for some creative liberties. Still, it offers top-notch entertainment, taking us back to one of humanity’s most intriguing epochs.

With its elite cast and fantastic artistic direction, the series has won over both history buffs and thrill seekers episode after episode.

This also makes a good primer for the upcoming Gladiator 2 (releasing on November 15, 2024), one of the year’s most anticipated films.

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