Say Goodbye To Your Back Pain With These 24 Yoga Poses

These days our daily lives just consist of sitting in chairs engaged in work-related activities all day whether it be at school or the office.

This practice of constant sitting can cause you to develop a terrible posture and painful back muscles.

Fortunately, yoga has your back (pun intended). Yoga is beneficial as it makes your back, hamstrings and inner hip muscles more flexible.

There is also a feeling of intense relaxation that comes along with doing the activity. The resulting improved blood circulation leads to a host of other benefits including clearer skin and serves as the cherry on top of a very healthy cake.

The following 24 poses can help your muscles get in shape. Your back pain will be better in no time!

1. Bhujangasana

Bhujangasana translates to the cobra pose.

It is a backward bending pose that stretches back and abdominal muscles and alleviates back pain. It improves the functioning of the digestive and urinary system. Frequently practicing this pose will help keep the number on your scale in check.

Never do this pose if you are pregnant, afflicted with a hernia or have recently undergone an abdominal operation.

To do this, you must:

  • Lie stomach first onto the ground and place your palms on the floor. Make sure your toes touch
  • Raise your upper half so that your stomach is touching the floor and your palms are underneath your shoulders. Curve your elbows at this instant
  • Curve your neck back so that it resembles the hood of the cobra
  • Take a deep breath while you maintain the posture. With repeated practice, you’ll be able to sustain this position for at least 2 minutes
  • Let go of the pose by placing your hands on either side of you and resting your forehead on the ground. Bring your hands to rest below your head and turn your head to the side then take deep breaths

2. Ardha Matsyendrasana

This is a seated yoga position and is also called the half spinal twist. To do this you have to:

  • Stretch out your legs out and keep your back straight
  • Bend the left leg and hook it over the right leg so it rests near the right hip
  • Fold the right leg
  • Twist your waist and face to the right. It’s important to keep your backbone straight
  • Place your right arm on the right knee and your left arm behind you
  • Inhale and exhale deeply
  • Maintain the posture close to 1 min or less
  • Release the pose by relaxing your waist, arms, and chest after breathing out
  • Repeat the above steps but facing the left side this time

3. Marjariasana

Marjariasana which is the cat stretch pose gives your muscles the perfect stretch that feels incredibly satisfying. To do this pose, you have to:

  • Get into a tabletop position with your arms stretched out and at right angles to the floor and keep your knees hip-width apart. Keep your gaze straight ahead of you
  • Breath in as you curve your neck inwards
  • Arch your back outwards so it resembles a semi-circle and squeezes your buttocks
  • Stay in position for a couple of breaths and breathe deeply

Return to the original tabletop orientation

4. Bitilasana

The cow pose or Bitilasana is almost always done in combination with the cat pose. This is the opposite of what is done in the cat pose. It is done as follows:

  • From the tabletop position, inhale as you curve your back inwards and stare up at the ceiling
  • Hold this position for a couple of breaths then again return to the tabletop position as you exhale

5. Adho Mukha Svanasana

This pose is called the downward dog. To do this, you have to:

  • Get on your hands and knees
  • Raise your hips and stretch out your legs
  • Stretch out your hands as well so that you form a downward V.You should be facing your navel
  • Take a deep breath while doing this for a while
  • Go back to your original tabletop position

6. Trikonasana

This is the triangle pose. To do this pose, you must:

  • Stand with your spine straight and your feet spread three to four feet apart
  • Keep your right foot at right angles to the ground facing forward and out
  • Your left foot should be at 15 degrees to the ground facing sideways and out
  • Keep your waist straight and position it leaning sideways towards the left foot
  • Stretch your right arm up into the air at right angles to the ground and your left arm touch your left leg
  • Focus on breathing deeply and stretching out your body so it is as tensed and open as possible
  • Repeat the process but with the legs reversed

7. Ustrasana

This is also a backward bending pose. To do this, you have to:

  • Kneel on the ground so that your knees and shoulders are parallel to each other
  • The base of your feet should touch the highest point
  • Breathe in and pull your tailbone towards your pubic bone
  • The action can be felt at the navel
  • Move the upper half of your body backward and stretch your arms out so your hands touch your feet
  • This action should not cause pressure in your neck.
  • Continue doing this for half a minute and more.

8. Paschimottanasana

To do this pose, you must:

  • Sit with your legs tucked in
  • Unfold your legs so they are stretched out with your feet pointing up at the ceiling
  • Breathing in, raise your hands high up stretching your spin as much as possible
  • Breathing out, bring your arms down to touch your toes or as close as possible
  • Inhale and pull your toes to give your hamstrings a stretch
  • Suck in your belly as well
  • Stay in position for 60 to 90 seconds, increasing the amount of time you take to do this each time you practice
  • Breathe out and change back to a sitting position

9. Purvottanasana

This is the upward plank pose. To do this pose, you must:

  • Place your hands on your hips so that each finger points at the ground and bend your knees
  • Make sure that your knees are hip-width apart.
  • Place your arms on the floor
  • Stretch them out so they’re at right angles to the ground and underneath your shoulder
  • Raise your hips upwards
  • Use your abdominal muscles to straighten out your legs such that they are at a 45-degree angle to the ground
  • Your entire body must be at stress during this pose
  • Relax your neck and let it hang backward
  • Don’t strain your neck while you do this
  • Push out your chest
  • Stay in position for about 30 seconds and then let go

10. Halasana

This pose firms the muscles and calms the mind. To do this pose, you must:

  • Lie down with your back flat on the ground and your arms to the sides
  • Put your legs up in the air so that they are at right angles to the ground
  • Use your hands to support your hips
  • Place your feet over your head so that your legs are at a 180-degree angle to the ground
  • Your spine should be at 90 degrees to the ground
  • Stay in position for a minute and concentrate on breathing
  • Return to your original position by gently letting each leg down as you breathe out

11. Pawanmuktasana

The one-legged knee to chest pose relieves digestive problems such as gas buildup while also being great for back pain. To do this pose, you must:

  • Place your back on the ground and put your arms on either side of you
  • Bend your knees and raise them to your chest
  • Encircle your knees with your arms as if you are embracing them
  • Every time you breathe out to strengthen your hold on your knees and when you breathe in to reduce the strength of your grip.
  • Do this on the left and the right side, for 3 to 5 times on each side. Expire before you go back to lying on your back as before.

12. Setu Bandhasana

To do this pose, you must:

  • Start with your back flat on the ground and your arms to the sides.
  • Raise your hips and bend your knees
  • The space between your knees should be hip-width
  • Use your arms to prop up your entire back and keep your back straight
  • Place your chin on your breastbone
  • Toss in your shoulders
  • Stress your glutes and ensure that your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Stay in position for a minute  as you breathe out to return to the lying position

13. Shalabasana

This is the grasshopper pose. To do this pose, you must:

  • Lie stomach first on the floor with your hands on either side of you
  • Raise your feet in the air without bending your knees such that your entire body weight rests on your lower ribcage and abdomen
  • Work your inner thigh muscles to achieve this pose
  • Do this for a minute then let go

14. Vrikshasana

Vrikshasana is also known as the tree pose. To do this pose, you must:

  • Begin by standing straight and tall
  • Bend your right knee and bring up your right foot so that it rests on your left thigh
  • Stay focused so you can balance your body in this position
  • Breathe in
  • Elevate your arms above your head and fasten your hands together to do a Namaste pose
  • Keep your back straight and concentrate by keeping your gaze straight ahead on one point
  • Breathe deeply and relax your body more with every exhale
  • Return to standing position and repeat the steps above but with the left leg

15. Rajakapotasana

This is the pigeon pose. To do this pose, you must:

  • Kneel on the floor with your back straight
  • Straighten your left leg behind you and push out your right knee so that the side of your right thigh and the shin touch the floor
  • Your right leg should take an L shape bent at the knee
  • Curve your back and push out your chest
  • Gently bend your left leg and lift it up so that your left foot is up in the air
  • Use your hands to grasp the left foot and press it to your crown while bending your head backward for this
  • Stay in position and breathe deeply

16. Tadasana

Tadasana is the mountain pose and serves as a great way to warm up when starting practice. To do this pose, you must:

  • Stand straight and have the toes of your feet in contact with each other
  • Ensure that your arms are placed at your sides and your palms touch the sides of your thighs
  • With your palms touching each other, thrust your arms in front of you while you breathe in
  • Raise your folded hands and stretch your spine as much as you can while you do this
  • Additionally, you can stand on your toes and stare at the ceiling but if you’re unable only do the latter action
  • Keep the stance for 20-30 seconds
  • Breathe in and out
  • Return to standing position and get off your toes after exhalation

17. Navasana

Navasana is the boat pose. To do this pose, you must:

  • Lie down with your back in contact with the ground and your arms on either side of you
  • Breathe in and out
  • On an exhalation, raise your chest and feet up into the air
  • Working your abdominal muscles will help you achieve this pose
  • Your gaze and feet chest should be in level with each other in a straight line
  • Breathe deeply and return to lying position after breathing out

18. Dhanurasana

This is the bow pose. To do this pose, you must:

  • Lie stomach first on the floor and have your arms to the side
  • Bend your knees and grasp your ankles for support
  • Raise your chest and legs up into the air
  • Your abdomen should stretch
  • Keep your body under tension like a bow
  • Take a deep breath. After 15 to 20 seconds let go of the pose.

19. Shashankasana

This is the hare pose. To do this pose, you must:

  • Kneel on the ground and stretch out your arms above your head
  • Touch your forehead to the ground and ensure that the palms of your outstretched arms touch the ground as well
  • Change the orientation of your hands so that they touch your feet and arch your back
  • Breathe in and out
  • Return to the kneeling position upon exhalation

20. Garudasana

This is the eagle pose. To do this pose, you must:

  • Stand straight and tall
  • With your right leg wrap it around your left leg so it resembles two snakes entwined with each other
  • Stretch out your arms at shoulder level and bend the elbows so your lower arms are at right angles to your upper arm
  • The position of your arms should resemble entwined snakes as your legs
  • Twist your right arm so it envelops your left arm
  • Bend your knees and try to bring your hips down to a midline for greater balance
  • Focus on positive thoughts and breathe deeply
  • Repeat the pose but with your left arm and leg wrapped around your right arm and leg respectively

21. Virabhadrasana

This is the warrior pose. To do this pose, you must:

  • Start with standing straight and spreading out your legs so they’re at least 3 to 4 feet apart
  • Bend your right knee and position your right foot to face one side
  • Make sure that the right leg is at right angles to the ground
  • The left foot should face the opposite direction and should be at 15 degrees to the ground
  • Keep the heel of the right foot in level with the center of the left foot
  • Stretch out your arms with the palms facing the sky and hold them at shoulder level
  • Hold this pose while breathing deeply
  • Repeat the pose by switching the angles and directions at which the legs were previously kept

22. Pinch Mayurasana

To do this pose, you must:

  • Get into a tabletop position
  • Push out your hips and raise them as high up into the air as you can
  • Stretch out your legs and get on the tips of your toes
  • Your arms should be parallel and in contact with the ground
  • Reduce the tension on your neck by positioning the shoulders away from the ears
  • Breathe deeply and hold this position for up to a few minutes.

23.  Baddha Konasana

This is the butterfly pose. To do this pose, you must:

  • Sit with your spine completely straight and cross your legs
  • Make sure that the sole of your feet is in contact with each other
  • Hold your feet in place with your hands
  • Use your thighs and flap your legs up and down like a butterfly
  • Breathe normally while you do this

24. Matsyasana

This is the fish pose and is extremely beneficial for weight gain. To do this pose, you must:

  • Place your straight back on the ground and ensure that your arms are on either side of you
  • Place your palms behind your hips so they are in contact with the ground and bring your elbows together
  • Cross your legs at the knees
  • Breathing in, prop up your chest and head to the top of your head is in contact with the ground
  • Put all your weight on your elbows, not the head
  • Stay in position as long as you are comfortable
  • Exhale and inhale as usual


Some of these poses may seem difficult but with practice not only will your back pain diminish. Try to invest in good inversion tables to make the task easier, more enjoyable enjoy a treasure trove of health benefits.

Yoga is the key to a healthier life for a person both physically and mentally. Remember the more often you do this, the quicker you will see results.